31 research outputs found

    The situated common-sense knowledge in FunGramKB

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    It has been widely demonstrated that expectation-based schemata, along the lines of Lakoff's propositional Idealized Cognitive Models, play a crucial role in text comprehension. Discourse inferences are grounded on the shared generalized knowledge which is activated from the situational model underlying the text surface dimension. From a cognitive-plausible and linguistic-aware approach to knowledge representation, FunGramKB stands out for being a dynamic repository of lexical, constructional and conceptual knowledge which contributes to simulate human-level reasoning. The objective of this paper is to present a script model as a carrier of the situated common-sense knowledge required to help knowledge engineers construct more "intelligent" natural language processing systems.Periñán Pascual, JC. (2012). The situated common-sense knowledge in FunGramKB. Review of Cognitive Linguistics. 10(1):184-214. doi:10.1075/rcl.10.1.06perS18421410

    The underpinnings of a composite measure for automatic term extraction: The case of SRC

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    The corpus-based identification of those lexical units which serve to describe a given specialized domain usually becomes a complex task, where an analysis oriented to the frequency of words and the likelihood of lexical associations is often ineffective. The goal of this article is to demonstrate that a user-adjustable composite metric such as SRC can accommodate to the diversity of domain-specific glossaries to be constructed from small-and medium-sized specialized corpora of non-structured texts. Unlike for most of the research in automatic term extraction, where single metrics are usually combined indiscriminately to produce the best results, SRC is grounded on the theoretical principles of salience, relevance and cohesion, which have been rationally implemented in the three components of this metric.Financial support for this research has been provided by the DGI, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, grants FFI2011-29798-C02-01 and FFI2014-53788-C3-1-P.Periñán Pascual, JC. (2015). The underpinnings of a composite measure for automatic term extraction: The case of SRC. Terminology. 21(2):151-179. doi:10.1075/term.21.2.02perS15117921

    In defence of a linguistic-aware approach to natural language processing

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    [EN] Although natural language processing can be deemed as a discipline between applied linguistics and artificial intelligence, theoretical linguistics has played a remarkably minor role in this field of research. One of the goals of this paper is to portray the reasons of the failed symbiosis between linguists’ research and that of computer scientists, where probabilistic approaches haven been steadily overshadowing linguistic models. In spite of this discouraging scenario, FunGramKB, a knowledge base particularly designed for natural language understanding systems, serves to illustrate how a language-aware and cognitively-plausible approach to human-like processing can contribute to the development of enhanced knowledgeengineering projects.[ES] A pesar de que podríamos ubicar el procesamiento del lenguaje natural entre la lingüística aplicada y la inteligencia artificial, el papel que ha desempeñado la lingüística teórica a lo largo de la historia de esta disciplina ha sido generalmente poco notorio. uno de los objetivos de este artículo es desgranar las causas de esta malograda simbiosis entre las investigaciones de lingüistas e informáticos, donde los enfoques probabilísticos han ido gradualmente relegando los modelos lingüísticos a un segundo plano, en el mejor de los casos. A pesar de este desalentador panorama, FunGramKB, una base de conocimiento particularmente útil para sistemas que requieran la comprensión del lenguaje, sirve para ilustrar cómo actualmente la lingüística teórica y la ciencia cognitiva pueden contribuir al desarrollo de un proyecto de ingeniería del conocimiento.este trabajo forma parte de dos proyectos de investigación financiados por el ministerio de ciencia y Tecnología de españa, códigos FFi2011-29798-c02-01 y FFi2010-15983. También quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a Francisco cortés Rodríguez, carlos González Vergara y Ricardo mairal usón por sus comentarios sobre el primer borrador de este artículo.Periñán Pascual, JC. (2012). En defensa del procesamiento del lenguaje natural fundamentado en la lingüística teórica. Onomázein : Revista de Lingüística, Filología y Traducción. (26):13-48. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/45752S13482

    LORE: a model for the detection of fine-grained locative references in tweets

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    [EN] Extracting geospatially rich knowledge from tweets is of utmost importance for location-based systems in emergency services to raise situational awareness about a given crisis-related incident, such as earthquakes, floods, car accidents, terrorist attacks, shooting attacks, etc. The problem is that the majority of tweets are not geotagged, so we need to resort to the messages in the search of geospatial evidence. In this context, we present LORE, a location-detection system for tweets that leverages the geographic database GeoNames together with linguistic knowledge through NLP techniques. One of the main contributions of this model is to capture fine-grained complex locative references, ranging from geopolitical entities and natural geographic references to points of interest and traffic ways. LORE outperforms state-of-the-art open-source location-extraction systems (i.e. Stanford NER, spaCy, NLTK and OpenNLP), achieving an unprecedented trade-off between precision and recall. Therefore, our model provides not only a quantitative advantage over other well-known systems in terms of performance but also a qualitative advantage in terms of the diversity and semantic granularity of the locative references extracted from the tweets.Financial support for this research has been provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities [grant number RTC 2017-6389-5], and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program [grant number 101017861: project SMARTLAGOON]. We also thank Universidad de Granada for their financial support to the first author through the Becas de Iniciacion para estudiantes de Master 2018 del Plan Propio de la UGR.Fernández-Martínez, NJ.; Periñán-Pascual, C. (2021). LORE: a model for the detection of fine-grained locative references in tweets. Onomázein. (52):195-225. https://doi.org/10.7764/onomazein.52.111952255

    Criterios ontológicos en FunGramKB

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    [EN] Ontology engineering should be grounded on a protocol of well-founded guidelines concerning the structuring of the ontology as well as the elements to be included and their ontological properties. A sound methodology for ontology development involves a dramatic reduction of many common errors and inconsistencies in conceptual modelling, facilitating thus interoperatibility and knowledge sharing—particularly useful when a multipurpose resource is designed. In the natural language processing context, this paper describes the ontological commitments to which the FunGramKB Ontology is subject.[ES] Cualquier trabajo en ingeniería ontológica debe estar fundamentado en un protocolo de directrices bien definidas que no sólo organicen la estructuración de la ontología sino que además ayuden a determinar sus unidades ontológicas y propiedades. Una sólida metodología para el desarrollo de ontologías exige la eliminación de muchos de los errores e inconsistencias que se suelen cometer en el modelado ontológico, facilitando así la interoperatibilidad y el conocimiento compartido—especialmente útil cuando se diseña un recurso multipropósito. En el contexto del procesamiento del lenguaje natural, este artículo describe los compromisos ontológicos que la Ontología de FunGramKB debe cumplir.Financial support for this research has been provided by the DGI, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, grant FFI2008-05035- C02-01/FILO. The research has been cofinanced through FEDER funds.Periñán Pascual, JC.; Arcas Túnez, F. (2010). Ontological commitments in FunGramKB. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. (44):27-34. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52170S27344

    The COHERENT methodology in FunGramKB

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    Recent research has been done synergistically between FunGramKB, a lexical-conceptual knowledge base, and the Lexical Constructional Model, a linguistic meaning construction model. Since concepts are claimed to play an important role in the design of the cognitive-linguistic interface, this paper discusses the methodology adopted in structuring the basic conceptual level in the FunGramKB Core Ontology. More particularly, we describe our four-phase COHERENT methodology (i.e. COnceptualization + HiErarchization + REmodelling + refinemeNT), which guided the cognitive mapping of the defining vocabulary in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Periñán Pascual, JC.; Mairal Usón, R. (2011). The COHERENT methodology in FunGramKB. Onomázein : Revista de Lingüística, Filología y Traducción. (24):13-33. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/4575113332

    El modelado de OLIF utilizando las especificaciones de EAGLES/ISLE: un enfoque interlingüístico

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    [EN] FunGramKB is a lexico-conceptual knowledge base for NLP systems. The FunGramKB lexical model is basically derived from OLIF and enhanced with EAGLES/ISLE recommendations with the purpose of designing robust computational lexica. However, the FunGramKB interlingual approach gives a more cognitive view to EAGLES/ISLE proposals. The aim of this paper is to describe how this approach influences the way of conceiving lexical frames.[ES] FunGramKB es una base de conocimiento léxico-conceptual para su implementación en sistemas del PLN. El modelo léxico de FunGramKB se construyó a partir del modelo de OLIF, aunque fue preciso incorporar algunas de las recomendaciones de EAGLES/ISLE con el fin de poder diseñar lexicones computacionales más robustos. El propósito de este artículo es describir cómo el enfoque interlingüístico de FunGramKB proporciona una visión más cognitiva de los marcos léxicos que las propuestas por OLIF y EAGLES/ISLE.Periñán Pascual, JC.; Arcas Túnez, F. (2008). Modelling OLIF frame with EAGLES/ISLE specifications: an interlingual approach. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. (40):9-16. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52126S9164

    Knowledge engineering in the legal domain: The construction of a FunGramKB Satellite Ontolog y

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    [ES] Una de las tareas más tediosas en la labor diaria de los profesionales del derecho es la búsqueda de información en el ámbito jurídico. Con el fin de implementar aplicaciones avanzadas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural en este dominio, hemos desarrollado un modelo de representación del conocimiento especializado orientado a la semántica profunda dentro del marco de FunGramKB, una base de conocimiento léxicoconceptual multilingüe de propósito general. Más concretamente, el resultado de esta investigación ha dado como fruto una ontología terminológica sobre derecho penal en el dominio del terrorismo y el crimen organizado transnacional para ser utilizada en sistemas inteligentes que permitan la comprensión automática del discurso legal. El objetivo de este artículo es la descripción de la metodología empleada en el desarrollo de dicha ontología, centrándonos en la descripción de la herramienta que asiste al lingüista en el proceso de adquisición y conceptualización de los términos.[EN] One of the most time-consuming tasks in the daily work of legal professions is the search for information in the field of law. To implement advanced computer-based applications of natural language processing in this regard, we have developed a model of specialized knowledge representation driven by the deep semantics of FunGramKB, a multilingual general-purpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base. In particular, our research results in a terminological ontology on criminal law in the domain of transnational terrorism and organized crime to be implemented in intelligent systems which aim to understand legal discourse automatically. The objective of this paper is to describe the methodology used in the development of that ontology, focusing on the computerised tool to assist linguists in the process of terminological acquisition and conceptualization.Este trabajo forma parte de diversos proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, códigos FFI2011-29798-C02-01, FFI2010-17610 y FFI2010-15983.Periñán Pascual, JC.; Arcas Túnez, F. (2014). La ingeniería del conocimiento en el dominio legal: La construcción de una Ontología Satélite en FunGramKB. Revista Signos. 47(84):113-139. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09342014000100006S113139478

    The anatomy of the lexicon within the framework of an NLP knowledge base

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to present the format of the lexical level within the framework of FunGramKB (www.fungramkb.com), a lexical conceptual knowledge base that is part of the Lexical Constructional Model (www.lexicom.es). In doing so, we discuss the different features that define the Spanish and the English lexica.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el formato del nivel léxico en el contexto de la base de conocimiento léxico conceptual FunGramKB (www.fungramkb.com) que, a su vez, forma parte del Modelo Léxico Construccional (www.lexicom.es). Ofrecemos una descripción de los rasgos esenciales que definen el componente léxico en español e inglés.Mairal Usón, R.; Periñán Pascual, JC. (2009). The anatomy of the lexicon within the framework of an NLP knowledge base. RESLA. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. 22:217-244. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/53342S2172442

    Cognitive modules of an NLP knowledge base for language understanding

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    [EN] Some natural language processing systems, e.g. machine translation, require a knowledge base with conceptual representations reflecting the structure of human beings’ cognitive system. In some other systems, e.g. automatic indexing or information extraction, surface semantics could be sufficient, but the construction of a robust knowledge base guarantees its use in most natural language processing tasks, consolidating thus the concept of resource reuse. The objective of this paper is to describe FunGramKB, a multipurpose lexicoconceptual knowledge base for natural language processing systems. Particular attention will be paid to the two main cognitive modules, i.e. the ontology and the cognicon.[ES] Algunas aplicaciones del procesamiento del lenguaje natural, p.ej. la traducción automática, requieren una base de conocimiento provista de representaciones conceptuales que puedan reflejar la estructura del sistema cognitivo del ser humano. En cambio, tareas como la indización automática o la extracción de información pueden ser realizadas con una semántica superficial. De todos modos, la construcción de una base de conocimiento robusta garantiza su reutilización en la mayoría de las tareas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural. El propósito de este artículo es describir los principales módulos cognitivos de FunGramKB, una base de conocimiento léxico-conceptual multipropósito para su implementación en sistemas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural.Periñán Pascual, JC.; Arcas Túnez, F. (2007). Cognitive modules of an NLP knowledge base for language understanding. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. (39):197-204. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52122S1972043